Sunday, December 22, 2019

Poverty with Many Faces Book Review - 1567 Words

Poverty with Many Faces: a Case Study of Malaysia, by Ataul Huq Pramanik, IIUM Press, 2008, 157 pages. Reviewed by Nor Nazirah Mohamed. Introduction The book ‘Poverty with Many Faces: a Case Study of Malaysia’ by Ataul Huq Pramanik is one of the results of the hard works that elaborate the issue significantly both in theoretical and practical perspectives. The author is a distinguished economist who has a sound background both from conventional and Islamic perspectives with a special expertise in development, distribution, poverty and public policies. In this book, the issue of poverty and deprivation faced by the individual is discussed to a great extent based on the multi-dimensional factors that are believed to contribute to the†¦show more content†¦In this book, it is found that the author manage to give detail explanations on each factors that is believed to cause poverty. The author makes progress and develops the ideas convincingly by providing adequate information based on statistical data and empirical evidences. In chapter four, the author argues that level of education affects the potential earni ngs of household. Indeed he writes, â€Å"The access to education expands the potential for human capital thereby enabling one to qualify for better-paid jobs† (29). To support his argument, the author proves it based on the results of the survey in which it is presented in table 4.1 that show the distribution of household heads based on the level of general education. Based on table 4.1 it is found that the level of illiteracy among household heads is higher in Kelantan and Perak as these two states contribute the largest share in national poverty compared to the two high-performers namely Kedah and Terengganu which is lower. The author also provide empirical evidences to support his stances â€Å"as expected, the positive relationship between the number of years spent in education and the potential for higher earnings is also clearly evident from our empirical investigation in App. Table , col.4† (30). The author consistently elaborates and substantiates ideas and arguments based on empirical evidences and data collected from the surveys to support hisShow MoreRelatedThe Lone Ranger And Tonto In Heaven By Sherman Alexie978 Words   |  4 Pages alcoholism, and poverty. Tribal members hold high hopes for the young who have extraordinary talent while doubting that they will achieve success and watching them succumb to alcoholism. These sto ries, while sad and gloomy, are told with humor and wit, making the stories bearable to the reader. The grabbing title came to Alexie in a dream, in which the Lone Ranger and Tonto got in a fight in heaven (McNally, 2001). 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